Monday, July 6, 2020

4 Habits That Will Change Your Life Better AS The Medical Students

Hello Friend, Welcome back to my News Blog
Today, I'm going to talk about 5Habits That always change my life better as a medical student.
If your new here, I'm Royal. I'm a years4 medical student in IU of Cambodia.
Nowadays, The bad situation of Covid-19 in all over the world become more and more wired for people's work, study, and Bussiness.
So Today I share about the 5 habits that I always do persistency in my daily life to you.
If you follow me on my career along time you will know me a lot. Thank you for coming here to read and watch my video on youtube.
1. Start A Dialy Gratitude Practice: Dialy Gratitude Practice is really hard to achieve but if you do it persistence without thinking of your action will get more things done. So before I gratitude practice everyday life, I make a plan. So I create a schedule to wake up at 5am in the morning routine to read the book before I'm going to school and start my work.if you want to achieve your dream. you should be making a schedule because your dream not to succeed in two days, 1 month, 1 year, but you need 10years to succeed. Make a schedule every day, every week, and make a schedule in your whole life.
2. Stop complaint: If you are a co-worker or student stop complaining about the job, assignment, to say that, to say those, complaint another co-worker. Stop everything and focus on your career and just do what you want, Don't complain about other people.
3. Set up your goal: start to plan your dream, start to write down in your notebook, and think about what you want to be? ask yourself what is your dream? so many people in the world wake up in the morning and spend a lot of time play on social media. but if you have a goal,  you already set up and you try to achieve your goal. you will know about when you wake up and know what to do!
4. Start your action: Now, you have a plan, schedule but if you do not make your activity, How is it a success? Like I said above just do it, stop thinking about other people complain about you because they don't about you and they don't know what your plan! They will congrats to you when you succeed.

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